Archive for December 2011

Prayer for the Phillipines


posted by Meg

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Prayer For The Phillipines

I pray that Spirit’s wings surround and consol you all &
That Spirit guide’s your rescuers to survivors.
I ask that your injured be given the determination to survive,
& all your people the strength to pull through.
I ask that an angel is always with each an every one of you,
To protect and provide comfort.
May hunger never reach you and health always surround you.
I pray that your land will once more see beauty without destruction,
& ask that you each now see the rainbow after the storm.
Please know that the earth morns with you for your loved ones.
For we are all one peoples, one consciousness & one love.
Life will always challenge us, but we must always remember
That to have life is a blessing.

Love & Light,

Makes me want to cry


posted by Meg

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I just wanted to share something that i just read on stuff ( an online news website) that almost had me in tears. This kind of kindness really shows the love and light that we are truely made of. I hope it touches your hearts as it has touched mine.

Secret santas stun shoppers with layby payoffs

The young father stood in line at the layby counter, wearing dirty clothes and worn-out boots. With him were three small children. He asked to pay something on his bill because he knew he wouldn't be able to afford it all before Christmas. Then a mysterious woman stepped up to the counter. "She told him, 'No, I'm paying for it,'" recalled Edna Deppe, assistant manager at the store in Indianapolis. "He just stood there and looked at her and then looked at me and asked if it was a joke. I told him it wasn't, and that she was going to pay for him. And he just busted out in tears."

At Kmart stores across the US, Santa seems to be getting some help: Anonymous donors are paying off strangers' layby accounts, buying the Christmas gifts other families couldn't afford, especially toys and children's clothes set aside by impoverished parents. Before she left the store Tuesday evening (Wednesday, NZ time), the Indianapolis woman in her mid-40s had paid the layby orders for as many as 50 people. On the way out, she handed out US$50 bills and paid for two carts of toys for a woman in line at the cash register.
"She was doing it in the memory of her husband who had just died, and she said she wasn't going to be able to spend it and wanted to make people happy with it," Deppe said. The woman did not identify herself and only asked people to "remember Ben," an apparent reference to her husband.

Deepe, who said she's worked in retail for 40 years, had never seen anything like it. "It was like an angel fell out of the sky and appeared in our store," she said. Most of the donors have done their giving secretly.
Dona Bremser, an Omaha nurse, was at work when a Kmart employee called to tell her that someone had paid off the US$70 balance of her layby account, which held nearly US$200 in toys for her four-year-old son. "I was speechless," Bremser said. "It made me believe in Christmas again."

Dozens of other customers have received similar calls in Nebraska, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana and Montana.
The benefactors generally ask to help families who are squirreling away items for young children. They often pay a portion of the balance, usually all but a few dollars or cents so the layby order stays in the store's system. The phenomenon seems to have begun in Michigan before spreading, Kmart executives said.
"It is honestly being driven by people wanting to do a good deed at this time of the year," said Salima Yala, Kmart's division vice president for layby. The good Samaritans seem to be visiting mainly Kmart stores, though a Wal-Mart spokesman said a few of his stores in Joplin, Missouri, and Chicago have also seen some layby accounts paid off.

Kmart representatives say they did nothing to instigate the secret Santas or spread word of the generosity. But it's happening as the company struggles to compete with chains such as Wal-Mart and Target.
Kmart may be the focus of layby generosity, Yala said, because it is one of the few large discount stores that has offered layby year-round for about four decades. The sad memories of laybys lost prompted at least one good Samaritan to pay off the accounts of five people at an Omaha Kmart, said Karl Graff, the store's assistant manager. "She told me that when she was younger, her mum used to set up things on layaway at Kmart, but they rarely were able to pay them off because they just didn't have the money for it," Graff said.

He called a woman who had been helped, "and she broke down in tears on the phone with me. She wasn't sure she was going to be able to pay off their layby and was afraid their kids weren't going to have anything for Christmas." "You know, 50 bucks may not sound like a lot, but I tell you what, at the right time, it may as well be a million dollars for some people," Graff said.
Graff's store alone has seen about a dozen layby accounts paid off in the past 10 days, with the donors paying US$50 to US$250 on each account. "To be honest, in retail, it's easy to get cynical about the holidays, because you're kind of grinding it out when everybody else is having family time," Graff said. "It's really encouraging to see this side of Christmas again."

Lori Stearnes of Omaha also benefited from the generosity of a stranger who paid all but US$58 of her US$250 layby bill for toys for her four youngest grandchildren. Stearnes said she and her husband live paycheque to paycheque, but she plans to use the money she was saving for the toys to help pay for someone else's layby. In Missoula, Montana, a man spent more than US$1200 to pay down the balances of six customers whose layby orders were about to be returned to a Kmart store's inventory because of late payments. Store employees reached one beneficiary on her cellphone at Seattle Children's Hospital, where her son was being treated for an undisclosed illness. "She was yelling at the nurses, 'We're going to have Christmas after all!'" store manager Josine Murrin said.

A Kmart in Plainfield Township, Michigan, called Roberta Carter last week to let her know a man had paid all but 40 cents of her US$60 layby. Carter, a mother of eight from Grand Rapids, Michigan, said she cried upon hearing the news. She and her family have been struggling as she seeks a full-time job. "My kids will have clothes for Christmas," she said. Angie Torres, a stay-at-home mother of four children under the age of eight, was in the Indianapolis Kmart on Tuesday to make a payment on her layby bill when she learned the woman next to her was paying off her account. "I started to cry. I couldn't believe it," said Torres, who doubted she would have been able to pay off the balance. "I was in disbelief. I hugged her and gave her a kiss."  -AP

May you all get touched by an angel this christmas, or be the angel that touches someone else.

Love& Light,

Merry Christmas


posted by Meg


Christmas is drawing near, and I haven’t posted in ages! (Sorry about that) So I thought I would write a little post on being grateful and appreciative of the family and friends that you share this time of year with. I wanted to bring this up as Christmas time can sometimes feel like a chore and you can end up resenting the people that you are supposed to be enjoying the company of. I know this because I have been there!

Often you have to talk to and listen to! Family members who you haven’t seen all year and make your ears want to bleed. And you feel like you are going a hundred miles an hour trying to get this done and sort that out. But think of it like this, if something was to happen to you, what would you wish you had done for Christmas? And who would you have paid more attention too? Would have worried so much about weather or not there were Christmas themed serviettes for the table and weather or not so & so will like what you brought them. I know I wouldn’t be worrying about that; I would be enjoying the company of the people that I love and who love me. Because when you get right down to it, that’s all that really matters.

So this year try to live more in the moment and radiate love for the people around you, and have fun! You could even try livening up the party because I’m sure everyone else is feeling the same. Merry Christmas!!

Love & Light,

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