What's the most magical thing you can think of?


posted by Meg

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"The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper."
                                                                    ~ Eden Phillpott

For me the first thing that comes to mind is Fairies! And what magical creatures they are. But for you it could be something as simple as a sunrise over the ocean. Magic is all around us, every day. There is no limit to the size of its glory; be it a glossy blue metallic ladybug trotting around your garden, or a majestic snow topped mountain.

Magic is not mythical and just in folk stories. Its real and it’s all around you. Take a look and see what you find. Magic can be a thing, a place, a person, a sight, a sound, a smell, a feeling… It could be your favourite book, or your grandma’s kitchen.

"That's the thing with magic. You've got to know it's still here, all around us,
or it just stays invisible for you."

                                                            ~ Charles De Lint

So tell me, what is the most magical thing that comes to your mind? Is it something you have experienced yourself once or something that you see all the time? Let me know so I can share your experience of magic around!

Love & Light,

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